Reply To: Cloudage

Jarle Haktorson

Kjøpte spelet “uspelt” av Rune, då eg elskar Pfister sine andre spel. Etter ein runde solo for å teste, merkar eg at dette er det lettaste av desse. Men: Med eg synes ikkje det gjer noko. Det er greitt å ha eit litt luftig, kort spel når ein ønskjer det. Tre ulike scenario varierer jo også litt på kompleksiteten. Men eg skal snart begi meg ut på Chapters, som består av sju chapters, som utviklar historia som skjer på brettet.

Og her er nok eit ekstrapoeng; det er masse story her, men regelboka får ikkje dette så bra fram. Eg likar gjerne at det er ein story/tema, og ser difor fram til Chapters. Eg har også funne denne teksten på nett, som eg synes gjer ein grei jobb å forklare kva “CloudAge” er for noko:

It’s the apocalypse, the world is now largely uninhabited with the exception of a few cities spread across the globe that are in varying degrees being run by the same CLOUD military organization that caused the destruction of the natural world. The combat values over each of the cities represent the amount of influence that faction of the CLOUD militia has over the city. Some militias have only partial control which is represented by low combat values and they are easier to defeat, while other cities are CLOUD strongholds with a much greater military presence.

Our airships can’t sustain themselves indefinitely and we can’t simply land in the harsh deserts or make our home in the cities because the CLOUD militia would be alerted to our presence and send reinforcements to try to capture and destroy our scrappy band of resistance fighters. Think Star Wars.

In order to keep our ships flying, we need to scavenge the cities for equipment, energy sources, weapons, and new recruits that will not only keep our ship in the air, but also give us the advantages we need to ultimately win the war, rebuild humanity and replenish the planet.

We have to make our way from city to city and then move on quickly so we can get the supplies we need and leave before being caught. Our ship is able to generate some water and energy on its own (Production Phase), but not enough to sustain our crew which is why we need to steal it from the city reservoirs. Because water is so valuable, we also need it to bribe or recruit specialists from the cities (Building Project Cards) who can help us win the fight by upgrading our weapons and flight systems or help us develop the technologies we need to regenerate plant life on desert surfaces.

From the decks of our airships high above the clouds we can only see a partial view of the city because of the smog and cloud cover, but we can see just enough to give us an idea of what resources may be available below. Do we see a large water reservoir? Any sections of civilian housing? Are there large or small metal refineries? What about solar panels that we can use to harvest energy cells? These are all handled in a wonderful thematic way using the card sleeve system.

We can also send out drones from our ship’s loading docks to give us a better view and pinpoint specific equipment or people (Project Cards) we need to recruit. Some of the raw materials and equipment we bring back can also be used to enhance our airships (Building Ship Upgrades).