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Ser ikkje ut som dette spelet fall i smak. Det var synd. Eg har nostalgiske forhold til det, som eit av dei aller første brettspela eg kjøpte. Fann aldri ut av reglane. Dette var før Internett, og med eit regelhefte som me i etterkant fann ut var full i feil, blei det aldri fullført, og til slutt gitt til Rune.
Men er det håp? Eg ser det ligg glødande review på BGG. Men kanskje det er broren eller typen til designarane som skriv? I alle fall berre dei som har svart, så føler eg er på sporet her. Men kan du kommentere enkelte av punkta som blir tekne opp, i høve dykkar mindre vellukka utprøving?
Finished the first game of KM 2. Four players, 4 hours on the dot including setup and clean up. Virtually no dead time. Very fluid and fast paced. All 4 players gave it positive reviews, including the one who was trying to catch up all game. Alliances were key and yet individual action played a key role in the final outcome.
Alliances parliament and board control (roads in particular) and perseverance in the face of setbacks are all crucial to winning.
The game featured three or four major sieges two parliaments, two plagues and three peasant uprisings all played key roles in the outcome, along with two otherwise worthless fortified towns that just happened to block the two roads from London to York at the end of the game. Really a bit of everything.
The prestige point victory condition has a huge impact on the game. Offices, archbishops, cities and major battles and sieges can all provide as many prestige points as the Royal (more, actually) pieces and the prestige points go up and down all game long, giving the game additional tension and urgency that the original sometimes lacked, especially in mid-game. There are a number of small changes that all synchronize to encourage action in the game. —the setup guarantees each player a t least 2 nobles with titles and offices, with a minimum of 200 points. This puts 4 royals within easy reach from the first turn. The senior royals are not far out of reach as well.
-a limit of one noble max killed in plagues, siege and battle results, as well as consolation crown cards (1 for every 2 lost) makes it much easier to recover from defeats
-the prestige point system rewards capturing the four largest cities, offices, and archbishops and bishops, all political and geographical goals which can often be achieved through alliances.
-I’ll leave a more comprehensive review for others, but for my part, admittedly after only one game, I believe Alan Paul and Gibsons have produced a real gem here.